Evelyn Moris

Action Influencer

Empowering others in the unrelenting pursuit of self-fulfillment is WHAT I DO.

Identifying roadblocks and developing practical habits to overcome them and to enable self-actualization is WHO I AM

My Story

About Me.

In March 2020, we entered the COVID shutdown. And, with 3 whole hours back in my day, absent the commute to and from work, I was afforded the opportunity to sleep in, to reflect, to meditate, to engage in the purifying regimen that brings clarity.

I, for one, needed to be unsettled, to be deposited into a new season, with its challenges, yes. But, also with its own set of joys. Simple things like: actual relaxation before and after a work day, a restful night's sleep, long stress-free walks after work or even during a lunch break. Taking the time to relax and listen, intentionally, to motivational words. And, living with a sense of calm and peace for the first time in many, many years.

What I know for sure is: I will never return to “life as usual”. It doesn’t serve me financially, emotionally nor spiritually. It robs me of self-fulfillment.

I believe those in pursuit of self-fulfillment who embrace learning, self-awareness and the consistent practice of new habits in pursuit of their dreams can realize a life of surplus and self-actualization.

It's been a journey - a very empowering one - where I've learned the habits, practices and mindset that lead to self-actualization.

Now, I'm on a mission to share that with others. I invite you to join that journey -- to a fulfilled life.

To Get in Touch

Contact Me


+1 (301) 603-3279

11140 Rockville Pike

Suite 100 #686

Rockville. MD 20852-3149


+1 (301) 603-3279

11140 Rockville Pike

Suite 100 #686

Rockville, MD 20852

Copyright 2021 Evelyn Moris All rights reserved